Installing the Bravura font is not as easy as it sounds. It is more complex than your ordinary font. Here are some tips. These instructions worked for me on the latest versions of Mac OS and Windows as of today, the 7th of April 2020.
- What you need to download is here, on their GitHub Releases:
Download the Asset: "Source code (zip)". - Unarchive/Extract the downloaded zip file.
- The next step depends on your OS. If you're on a Mac, you'll need to get Packages by WhiteBox. If you're on Windows, you'll need to get Inno Setup. In either case, what you are getting is an installer compiler. In other words, Bravura not only needs an installer program in order to be installed, but that program is not ready to go as part of the release you downloaded from GitHub. You need to download one of these two programs in order to compile the installer from source code that was included in that release.
- Install the compiler you downloaded. If you're on Mac and your OS refuses to open the Packages installer because it is from an unrecognized developer, you will need to go to your System Preferences -> Security & Privacy and find the little button to "open anyway",
- The next step again depends on your OS.
If you're on Mac, inside the unarchived Bravura release, open "installers/mac/Bravura Font Family.pkgproj". It should open in Packages. Next choose "Build" from the Build menu in the toolbar, or simply use the key combo Command B. If it asks you whether to save changes to the script before building, there is no need. The installer should compile (build) successfully. Edit: If it doesn't, you may need to go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access and enable for "packages_dispatcher". If you look back in Finder, you should see that there is a new folder called "build" which is a sibling to the "Bravura Font Family.pkgproj" file you just opened. Inside "build" you will finally find an installer called "Bravura Font Family.pkg". Run that, and Bravura will be installed.
If you're on Windows, inside the unarchived Bravura release, open "installers\windows\bravura-installer.iss". It should open in Inno Setup. Look for the line that says "LicenseFile=Z:\git\bravura\redist\OFL.txt" and change it to "LicenseFile=..\..\redist\OFL.txt". Next choose "Run" from the Run menu in the toolbar, or simply click the green "Run" button. If you look back in Windows Explorer, you should see that there is a new folder called "Output" which is a sibling to the "bravura-installer.iss" file you just opened. Inside "Output" you will finally find an installer called "InstallBravura-1.204.exe". Run that, and Bravura will be installed.