The Sagittal Xenharmonikôn article updated

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Dave Keenan
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The Sagittal Xenharmonikôn article updated

Post by Dave Keenan »

I have, at long last, updated the Sagittal Xenharmonikôn article at The most significant changes are the improvements to the standard notations for the EDOs with bad fifths in Figures 8 & 9 on pages 16 & 17, as agreed with George Secor, and as shown in the Periodic Table of EDOs since November 2019.
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Dave Keenan
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Re: The Sagittal Xenharmonikôn article updated

Post by Dave Keenan »

I made a very minor correction to the Sagittal Xenharmonikôn article at In footnote 20 on page 25 I changed "130-EDO uses the entire 'Spartan' symbol set" to "130-EDO uses almost the entire 'Spartan' symbol set".
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